Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

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Perhaps it’s something you have thought long and hard about.

Perhaps it’s something that you have only recently considered. Whatever the circumstances surrounding your interest in a specific cosmetic procedure, you will find information here that will answer many of your questions and give you insight into concerns and issues that might be foremost on your mind.

If you have additional questions, please contact us and we will be happy to answer them to the best of our ability. Nearly every surgery Dr. Popp performs can be done under straight local anesthesia (numbing the area with just a Novacain-like solution), local plus some sedation (twilight sleep), or general anesthesia (completely out). Those patients worried about being awake can be put out and those fearful of being “put to sleep” can have their surgery done awake and pain free.

Face Procedures

Face Procedures

Your genetic makeup, sun exposure, the natural aging process all contribute to what you see reflected

Breasts Procedures

Breasts Procedures

Throughout the ages, civilizations have been aware of their bodies aesthetically as well as from a comfort

Body Procedures

Body Procedures

Modern technology offers many options for contouring the body that nature and our own particular genetic

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Monday – Thursday: 9-5pm

Friday: 9-4pm