Can Eyelid Lifts Affect Your Vision?

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Wondering about the side-effects of eyelid lifts? This guide delves into the subject of vision and how it can be affected by surgery.

As we age, every part of our physical body changes, from our height to our hair and skin.

Unfortunately, eyelids are not exempt from these effects. The thin skin of the eyelids is prone to drooping and sagging alongside all the other parts of the body.

You may have tried creams or serums in an attempt to reverse signs of aging, but if those aren’t working for you, a cosmetic procedure may help.

Eyelid surgery can be performed for aesthetic reasons or to help correct the function of eyelids. If you notice excess eyelid skin affecting your vision, you may want to consider a blepharoplasty to ensure optimal function.

Eyelid lifts can be a savior for many people. Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect during and after this procedure.

Who Needs Eyelid Reduction Surgery?

You are a candidate for blepharoplasty if you have any of the following concerns:

  • droopy or baggy eyelids
  • extra skin on the upper eyelids affecting your peripheral vision
  • extra skin on the lower lids
  • loose under eye skin

Ptosis, also known as excess upper eyelid skin, can not only be unsightly, but make it difficult for you to keep your eyes open completely. Taking away extra tissue from the upper eyelid area can help improve your vision. Lower and upper lid surgery can make your eyes appear more youthful and awake.

Blepharoplasty Procedure

Blepharoplasty is typically done without the use of anesthetic. It involves an incision in the upper eyelid crease. Any excess skin and bulging fat are removed and the surgical scar is hidden in the crease.

For the lower eyelid, the incision is made either on the inside (called transconjunctival) or on the skin just below the eyelashes.

If you opt for the transconjunctival procedure, only fat (no skin) will be removed.

Post Eyelid Lift

Despite the sensitive nature of this procedure, there’s rarely any pain associated with eyelid reduction surgery. Pain medication is only given as needed.

After surgery, you will be given antibiotic ointment for your incision. Your surgeon will remove the sutures after a week. If your medical team chooses dissolving sutures, they’ll dissolve naturally.

As for side-effects, bruising can be likely. Bruises will resolve themselves in around two or three weeks. Post-surgery swelling, however, lasts longer. You can expect it for a few months after your procedure.

When swelling subsides, you will finally see the results of your eyelid lift.

Eyelid Lift and Vision

The lubricating ointment your surgeon uses may cause post-procedure blurred vision. Blurred or even double vision is normal during your recovery. You may find your eyes more sensitive to light or wind during this time as well.

Once you’ve had time to fully recover, you’ll notice positive vision changes. This is especially true if your eyelid skin was droopy beforehand. Your peripheral vision will improve, and other vision-based problems may also be solved.

Change Your Life

If your excess upper eyelid skin has you down, we can help.

Eyelid lifts can help boost your appearance. Not only that, but they can give you your confidence and vision back.

With over 35 years of experience and a background in ophthalmology, Dr. Popp can help address all your eyelid concerns.

Contact us today at (402) 391-4558 to make a consultation appointment and see how we can change your life.

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