Tight bra straps highlights back flaws

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Ever heard of back liposuction ? Ever thought of it? Most of us probably haven’t.

And it’s definitely not a procedure Dr. Jeffrey Popp does often.

“Many times people will point out back fat or what they think is back fat,” he said. “It’s 100 times more prominent in women than men.

Why women?

Women often wear bras strapped tightly over their shoulders and around the back. That spotlights this area.

Upper-back muffin top

It’s like a “muffin top.” Many women don’t have muffin tops until they wear tight-fitting jeans. The top of the pants is tight, and everything above it hangs over.

Women show Dr. Popp the “back fat” behind their armpits and below their bra straps in the back.

“Yes, there is fat back there and you can take it out,” he said, “but it’s rarely something people jump up and down about, and say how cool they think they look afterward.”

Minimal impact

The real problem usually isn’t fat.

“People see thick, loose skin back there and think it’s fat, but in reality it may just be loose skin,” Dr. Popp said.

He said the impact of back liposuction is minimal, so he usually does it in conjunction with the hips and waist or the stomach and thighs.

The procedure is done the same as in other area of the body. He applies tumescent anesthetic, makes puncture holes and removes the fat. Down time is minimal.

If you’re already considering liposuction on your hips, thighs, waist or stomach, and have back issues too, schedule your free consultation today at 402-391-4558.

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