Three Common Issues With Hands

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There are three main concerns people have about the appearance of their hands, Dr. Jeff Popp says.

  1. Loss of fat. This makes the tendons in your hand look skeletonized.
  2. Sun damage. Exposure to the sun causes blotchy pigmentation on the skin. Additionally, you could develop cancerous lesions.
  3. Prominent veins. Dr. Popp said this is exactly what it sounds like – your veins stick out under the skin as plain as day.

“And there are some who have one or two of these, or all three,” he said “Three problems and each has its own treatment.

Treat loss of fat

Loss of fat makes your skin fit tightly over the tendons so they are highlighted. Dr. Popp said restoring volume issue addresses this.

That means the injection of your own fat once it’s been harvested, “to replace plumpness and fullness that exists in the hands when we’re young.”

He said this can also be done with over-the-counter fillers.

Address sun damage

Pigmentation due to sun damage is treated with a chemical peel or lasers. Dr. Popp said he uses lasers more often, but either suffices to diminish the spots.

Not always a priority

The main time concerns like these come up is after you get a facelift or another facial procedure. Sometimes, you’ll decide your hands “don’t match the age” of your face.

That’s when, Dr. Popp says, people come in to see about getting their hands treated.

But this is a highly individual thing because everyone ages differently. Some people age more in the face than the hands and vice versa.

And many don’t worry about how their hands look as compared to their faces.

Considering getting your hands treated? Set up your consultation with Dr. Popp at 402.391.4558.

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